Monday, August 30, 2021

The Fight Against Covid-19 (Covid V.S Pfizer)

This lockdown we have been set 2 writing tasks. This is one of them. Our task was to make a comic book about destroying covid, so I did covid v.s the vaccine. Its only weakness. I did a simple one panel comic, its not an animation. Its a comic. Some comics have both one panel pages and some long panels, and some normal panels. I found it easy to make my characters with shapes and polyline, because I chose to do simple designs so I Can focus on the story. I really like making comics, and I even made one during lockdown. I found it challenging to do the news report part of my comic, because the words would always go really tiny, and I would have to keep on pressing the button to make them bigger until they were at 90. And my stuff wouldn't group properly. For my next comic (If I make one) I might make it longer, and make the story more interesting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Spring Rap.

Right. I made a song. I call it Spring. Or something like that. Anyway, we had to make a poem about spring, but I made it even better and made it into a rap. I actually don't own a microphone (Unless a gaming headset counts.) So I used a soup spoon. I even recorded my "Rap" and put it into the flipgrid site. There will be a video down below, underneath my poem. Man Eminem would be proud. I think that I did a really good job with it. I had, song, comedy and tea. Can't forget about the tea. Drinking tea as we speak. This poem is basically how I see spring. I mean rap. When it rains, Netflix is my mate. When it shines.... Netflix is still my mate. Lets face it, we all spend the majority of our time inside during lockdown. And everyone's best friend is netflix or disney+. I found it hard to make my words rhyme, and to make the words sound good together. Because if it doesn't sound good,then whats the point of making it. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

My Olympic Torch

In this activity we had to make an olympic torch. The original torch from the 2020 games is made out of recycled aluminum. I have chosen to make mine out of copper, and the Rings are made out of silver. I really enjoyed making this because I could use my creativity to remake something real. I found it challenging to get the rings on top of the torch, and to have the fire at the back. It was really stressful and it wasn't co-operating with me. I finally made the decision to make a copy of the top of the torch and wedging the fire between the torch and copy. Next time I think that I might make the design more complex.

Meet Paihere, My Olympic Mascot!

 In this activity, our task was to make a mascot if NZ ever hosted the olympics. I think that I did a really good job on this polyline creation, because I didn't trace anything! How I got my name was I went into google translate, did English to Maori, then I did the word Beautiful and I got Paihere. I don;t want to spoil my mote so I'll let you go and have a listen to that. I found it hard to do the lips, because I couldn't get the right shape, but I got there in the end. I decided to add a little olympic symbol on her dress, just to clarify that it was and olympic mascot. I was going to do a headband but I decided that I didn't need one. Next time I think that I should add more words into my mote so it's more interesting for you guys.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My NZ Olympic Pictograms.

Our task was to remake four olympic pictograms if NZ ever hosted the olympics. I did Rugby, Football, Hockey and Horse Jumping. I chose to put the NZ flag on at least one of the sports. What I did was get the 2021 pictogram, then polyline it but with everything filed in, then I would make it look good, by shifting around the corners and edges. I thought that black and blue looked good with the sports, so I kept It all the same. My favourite sport that I polylined was probably my hockey one, and second was my horse jumping. Next time I think I should make the arms a bit better, like on the rugby one I did didn't look that good. 

My Olympic Logo.

 Our task was to create an olympic logo to replace the rings. Since the rings look cool and have a great meaning behind them, I decided to keep them on my logo, with the original colours. I added a border of the colours and these sword type things around the circle. Did you know that the colors of the olympic rings represent the regions of the world that are in the olympics? Blue being Europe, Yellow being Asia, Black being Africa, Green being Oceana and Red being America. Fun fact: Audi actually tried to sue the olympics because their logos look similar. Even though the olympics have been around way longer than Audi. But yeah. I really enjoyed making this logo and I'm really happy with how its turned out.

Lemon Powered Battry.

Last Monday in science we made lemon powered batteries. Our group found that 8 lemons doesn't work, so next time the power goes out, don't run to buy some lemons. We had a three volt light, some lemons, a volt detector, some alligator clips (or omnoms as I liked to call them.) and some copper wire. Our objective was to get the light to go on. We tried four lemons, like they had in the video. then we tried 5 lemons. Nothing. 6 lemons. Nothing. 7 lemons. Still nothing. The potato powered light people already had theirs shining bright, but ours wouldn't. The moment of truth. 8 lemons. Nothi- just kidding. We got a slight glow! A SLIGHT GLOW. By then we had to pack up and do our lap around the rugby field, so we didn't get to try 9 or 10. I had a real fun time with my group to make this and even though it didn't work, I had a good time. So our lesson for this post, LEMONS DON'T WORK TO POWER LIGHTS. At Least that's what we found out...

(This is the 100th post! Yay! My very first post was All About Me In 2019, on June 11th 2019. I barely had any words on my posts, but now look! I have 1842 views on my blog, still growing by the day, and only 1 follower. Nearly 2000 views is amazing! Thank you all for these 3 years of learning and blogging and I am very exited for what is to come next.)

Friday, August 13, 2021

Brainbox Circuit Maker!

Another Wednesday, another science lesson! Today we learnt about circuit's with Brainbox. Brainbox is a fun way to learn about circuits. You can make quite a lot of things. Like a flying fan with an annoying noise machine and a light smiley-face that can walk! (Not actually walk. But that would be pretty sick...) My group made a Fan machine... It would of been way cooler using the noise machine, and make it look really complex, and with a smiley face, but that's ok. We can try again next week. Anyway, I learnt a lot about circuits and technology. Some groups got their fans to fly, but all we could do is make it into a beyblade. Let it rip! We found that our fan didn't beep, and we couldn't find out why. It just didn't. But It did work and we were happy about it. We may be leaning into more stuff about technology than science, so look out for that. 

My Football Team

For reading the last few weeks, we have been doing work on an olympic sport. My team did Football (Soccer) I don't want to spoil the work, but we had a Captain, Coach, Nutrition and Trainer. I was the team Captain. And I was in charge of researching about the history of the sport. I found out a WHOLE bunch of information about the game. Like in the christmas of WW2, the British soldiers and the German soldiers, both dropped their guns, refilled all of the trenches, and had a game of football. While everybody was still fighting. Crazy eh? They could just stop fighting for a day, then the next they began again. Anyway I found it really fun and I learnt alot too. I found it easy to put it into a format so that it easy to read, and to figure out what goes first. I found it a bit challenging to get a lot of information about the sport and the history behind the sport, but I did find some interesting information. 

By Toby, Isobel, Archie C And Vinny.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Tokyo 2020 Acrostic Poem.

This term we have been learning about the olympics. Our task today was to make an acrostic poem about the olympics. We had to use words about the olympics from our learning. Like our olympic values and what it takes to be an olympian. I really liked how I coloured the words the same colors as the olympic rings. I found it easy to think of words for this poem because of all the learning we have been doing about the olympics. I found it challenging to do some of the harder letters like Y or K. And don't get me started on the three O's. But once I got those done I was whizzing through. Next time I think I should of added more words, like two or three words a letter. That would make it pop and more words would be a challenge.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Values Animation!

In team toroa we have been learning about the Tokyo 2020 Olympic values. Like last time we had a slideshow to work through for over two weeks. This couple if weeks our slide was about the values it takes to be an Olympian. Respect, Exelents, and Friendship. I made this animation with my friends Rhodes and Ceejay. In the animation we are playing basketball. I pass it to Ceejay who threw it at the hoop. Then it bounced back at Rhodes and he jumps to dunk it in, but it missed and he hit his head. We went to see if he was okay. He jumped up and was fine. I thought that making this animation was really fun and the last part was funny. It took us around two hours to make it. Our task was to create an animation about one of the values. We did friendship, and I guess being kind as well. 

The hardest part was making the characters in time. I challenge myself to do 110% of my effort in to my work, so when my friends were ready I was still mucking about with the littlest details that in my mind, needed to be fixed.  My goal for my next animation is to do more animating and less decoration, and to put more movement into the characters. What other values should they put in the olympics? Tell me your ideas in the comments down below!

The Coin Drop Experiment.

 Well I'm a bit late. I was supposed to do this last week. Woops! But anyway a wile ago we did an experiment a bit similar to the egg drop. But this time it was with coins. With the coin drop you will need some coins (10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2, you get it.) a plastic cup, and some paper. We used two different types of paper. One kinda thick and one thin. Im my group was Ceejay Alex and I, and we faced a couple of problems. First you had to flick the piece of paper in a certain way for it to work. In the video you can see that I don't flick the paper properly. but that is okay, everybody makes mistakes. The idea of this experiment is you get a plastic cup and put the paper on top. Then you put a coin or too directly in the middle of the card, right on top of the cup. Then you flick the piece of paper and if you have done it properly the coins will drop into the cup!