Wednesday, October 16, 2019

wacky shelving

We were learning about cooperating with a group.I found it easy to come up with an idea that my whole group would like.I found it hard to be the leader because its hard on what to agree on and what to disagree on.I really enjoyed polylining the tree because it was a big success and it looks really cool.Next time I need to not take to long coming up with an idea.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Morris The Mankiest Monster

We were learning about how stinky Morris the mankiest monster is.I found it easy to get his body shape because it is a really easy shape to make.I found it hard to get myself in the photo with Morris. (I didn't get there in the end)I really enjoyed reading the book and getting ideas on what to do make Morris look yucky.Next time I need to make my writing more longer and better than it is now.