Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fake Phishing Postcard from Tatooien

What did you learn? About Phishing scams and clickbait.

What did you enjoy? Making my star wars themed fake postcard.

What was challenging? Writing my fake letter to my mum, and thinking up some things to put in it.

What was easy? finding the right image of Tatooine

What will you do next time? I will not take forever to choose what character I should do.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Maori Colours. Nga Tae

We were learning about the names of the maori colours, and how to pronounce them.

I found it easy to understand the names, and to remember them all to put on my slide.

I found it hard to think back to when I learnt them ages ago, so It was good to this refresh.

Next time I will add more things for the colours like the sign language.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Toby & Kauri: 7 Things That A Recount Needs.

1.  Where did you go, When did you go, Why did you go, Who did you go with and How did you go.

2.  Correct Punctuation. ( Punctuation in the right spot)

3.  Paragraphs. (With quality sentences.)

4.  using past Tense.  (Using words like: I Ran, It Was Fun, I Said).

5. WOW or RICH words. (Onomatopoeia, similes, adjectives.)

6.  Recrafting. (Red Pen to fix your mistakes, or red font if your on a computer.)

7.  1, 2, 3, planning. (Firstly I did, secondly I did, lastly I did)

(I was supposed to do 10 but I could think of 7)

My goal for term four is to try to add more detailed words.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How We Could Get More Native Birds In Our School.

We Were Learning about birds, and their habitats.

I found it easy to do the tasks on our doc, because the tasks were really basic.

I found it hard to understand what we were doing for the Drawing because I thought we were just putting our information on our Drawing.

Next time I will be more quieter so other people can focus on there work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

NZ Native Birds.

We were learning about what a Endemic bird is, a Native Bird, and what an Introduced bird is.

I found it easy to do my polyline (Mine is the Duck) and to find the information for the slides.

I found it challenging to teach my group how to do polyline.

Next time I will give a more detailed way of saying how to polyline.